It is our third day in oaxaca and we have already acomplished and done so much.
We have visited many museums, including the museum of prehispanic art that was created and sustained by the artist Rufino Tamayo. We also visited the textile museum where we learned about the origin of dyes and the process in which it entails.
We went to la casa de hogar (an orphanage) where we meet and played with the children. Even though there is a language barrier, kids are kids anywhere you go and it was very rewarding.
Also during this time we visited two of the twenty nine churches in oaxaca including the amazing and gold church of Santo Domingo. Attached to the church there is also a museum as well as gorgeous botanical gardens.
In the city today marked the third aniversary of a political protest, and people filled the zocalo normally a open square was packed with vendors and protestors.
As we moved into our home stays we continue to learn about the city of Oaxaca and its rich history. There is still so much to experience
Un abrazo de ( a hug from)
Great to finally hear details of your adventures!! Tell Mary, we forgot to send her photo of BOING! with her for the school. I will mail it ASAP you guys give me the address of either Enid or the school.
Take lots of pics and try the crickets!!
Sounds like you are off to a great start. Can't wait to see some pictures.
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