Today was our last day of classes at our Spanish school. On our way to the school word on the street was that something was going to blow up down the road. Turns out what happened is that a gas tank at a local bakery exploded, we still do not know the full details. After our final classes we gave Flor the director of the school a gift similar to the ones that we will give/have given our home stays. The gifts are a Watkinson bag, Watkinson water bottle, chocolates, maple syrup and in some cases crasins. After reciving the gift Flor gave a huge thanks to all of and told us "mi casa es su casa" my house is your's and invited us to come back if we were ever in the area again and said a nice goodbye. After school we went out for lunch to a resturant that specialized in tacos, there were so many choices it was insane! As we were going to leave we realized it was heavily ranning and for the first time this trip, we broke out the dreaded ponchos. But only to walk a block down the road for some gelato. There we waited for taxis, which caused a problem and instead we took a bus to Casa Hogar which caused some of us to be late to the orphange. Once we arived at Casa Hogar, Elizabeth, Kevin and Laura took on the task of painting our mural. The rest of the group played with the children, watched the children to make sure they didn't get into the paint and read to them. Today we left at 5:30 because we had to come back to our home stays and get ready for the Guelegetza reinactment at the Camino Real hotel. During the dance the dancers represent diffrent regions and indiginos groups by imitating their style of dance. It really was quite a treat to see. At one point they even asked members of the audience to go up on stage and dance, Mary, Elizabeth and Aaron all were invited up. It was a good day and now we are all home and packing because tomorrow we are off on another leg of our adventure.
I can't wait to see a picture of the Mural! I am sure there will be great pictures of many of you working (reading to etc.)with the children.
Leaving the Spanish school must have been a little hard. I heard a rumor that Laura will be ready for Spanish "5" when she returns!
Keep taking it all in - it will all seem to be over too quickly.
Keep taking lots of pictures!
You are all in my thoughts often...
MOM Stephan...
I too am excited to see the mural! Kids and paint seem to have a magnetic attraction to one another, I hope it wasn't to demanding keeping them apart from one anoter :P
Sister Stephan
Between dancing in Oaxaca and on our cruise this Spring, I think Mary should audition for "So You Think You Can Dance"!!!
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