Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hey our loyal fans!
We're writing again from Oaxaca, Mexico just to give you an update. Ms. Neal, Ms. Garcia, and our newest member to the group, Aaron Baladucchi (He is super cool and he has also graduated from Watkinson and is very fluent in Spanish.) Today, we went to Spanish class and it was Leti's birthday, one of the instructors. (She gave Kevin like 6 hugs and danced with him but we all sang a song given to us by our teachers) After classes, we went to Enid's house which is a few blocks away from our school. There we had lunch. Enid made vegetarian chili, salad, and zuccini flowers for us. (Muy Delicioso!) It was a plesant visit considering her apartment was in a beautiful garden. After lunch, we (the teachers and us) talked about how the trip as a whole was going. We all agreed that we were having a great time and dispite our rigorous schedual, we are eagerly anticipating the next few weeks. We went to Casa Hogar after lunch and as always, the kids were great. We introduced jump rope to them today. They loved it! Also are also creating a mural for the kids (with Kevin's awsome art skills) as something for the kids to remember us by. Can't wait to post again,
Buenas Noches!! XD


Kevin's Dad said...

Hola Watkinson Gang!

Facinating updates on the blog, especially the recount of the birthday party!! Glad to hear that you are accomplishing such great things.

Debra D.
P.S. Kev, it's Friday!

Ms OB said...

Great to hear you are loving the crazy pace!! You will long for all of this when you are back in the States!

Anonymous said...

So how IS the weather out there? There is record heat in Florida (101 degrees), and I think record cool in Hartford (65-70 degrees).
Keep up all the good work you are doing there. I am sure that your presence will long be remembered, and no doubt benificial.
Remember to your fluid intake up (32to64oz per day)- sorry, I had to say that.

p.s. Laura, I am brushing up on my Spanish (that's a joke).

MOM Stephan (*)

Anonymous said...

Did I read you guys ate zuchinni flowers? how were they prepared and how did they taste?

Sister Stephan